Post-Operative Instructions


Following surgery, keep your pet indoors in a warm, quiet room for 24 to 36 hours. Activity must be minimal for seven days after surgery, as running, jumping and wrestling with other pets or children can cause damage to the incision.


Pets may experience some discomfort or soreness for 24 to 36 hours following surgery. If you have purchased pain medication from the Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic, please follow the instructions given to you by the veterinarian on the packaging of the medication. If you have any questions, please call the clinic immediately at 317-706-0537 (Noblesville) or 317-852-0537 (Brownsburg). Do not give aspirin, Tylenol, or any human pain medications to your pet.

Food and Water

You may offer water and small amounts of food to your animal the evening of the surgery, but do not allow your pet to gorge, as this may cause vomiting. Resume normal feeding the day after surgery. Vomiting, depression or lack of appetite is normal following surgery, but after 24 hours, any of these continued symptoms may indicate a deeper problem. In this situation, you may call the clinic during business hours for a recheck at 317-706-0537 (Noblesville) or 317-852-0537 (Brownsburg).

Urinating and Defecating

Your pet should still be urinating even if it is not eating. It is important to verify that your dog or cat is urinating. If you have more than one cat, you must watch the litter box to assure your cat is urinating. Anesthesia may cause diarrhea or constipation for a day or two, but if your pet does not defecate normally within two days, please contact us.


Check your pet\’s incision daily for swelling, bleeding, discharge, or wound opening. Some of these symptoms are expected and are not cause for alarm, but if it seems excessive, please call the clinic for a recheck at (317) 706-0537- Noblesville or (317) 852-0537- Brownsburg . Keep your pet clean and dry for seven days after surgery. Do not wash or clean the incision, as this may introduce infection. Bathing your pet is prohibited for at least one week after surgery.


Check you pet\’s gum color when you arrive home after the surgery. The gum color should be pink, and quickly return to that color after you press on the gum above the large canine tooth with your finger. Repeat this check throughout the evening after surgery. If your pet’s gums become pale and do not return to pink color during your check, please call the clinic at 317-706-0537 (Noblesville) or 317-852-0537 (Brownsburg).


Your pet has buried stitches, also known as sutures, under their outer layer of skin. There is no need to return for suture removal.


Discourage your pet from licking or biting at the incision line. Male dogs especially are notorious for this, and we encourage the purchase of an Elizabethan collar to prevent damage to the incision. Fixing the damage a pet does to the incision will be done at the owner’s expense.


Male cats and dogs remain virile for 3-4 weeks after surgery. Please keep them confined.

After-Hours Emergencies

Please call the Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic at (317) 605-5161 for a Noblesville Emergency or (317) 509-8272 for Brownsburg  to reach the on-call staff member. You will be given directions for treatment, either at the clinic itself or through a 24-hour emergency clinic. We will not be responsible for post-operative care provided without contacting the Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic staff. The numbers provided in this section are for after hour emergencies for patients who have recently been spayed or neutered at our facility ONLY. General questions, records requests, or appointment requests should be directed to the clinics main phone number.

Please understand that regardless of the circumstances if you choose to take your pet to another facility, the Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic is not financially responsible for care or treatment after surgery at that facility. By signing and initialing your surgical consent form at a.m. check in you have agreed and understand this policy. We will not be responsible for post operative care provided without contacting and speaking to a member of the Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic staff.

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The main phone line for Noblesville is temporarily down. Please call 317-770-4114 to reach a member of the Noblesville staff. Thank you for your understanding.