Check-in on the date of your pet’s surgery takes place between 7:00-7:45 a.m. Please plan on spending 45 minutes to one hour at the clinic for patient check-in. Again, you must remain with your pet. Your input is important as our veterinarian examines your cat or dog.
All cats brought to the Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic must be in a carrier, and dogs must be on a leash or in a carrier. We ask that your carrier be lined with a throw-away towel or newspaper in the bottom, in case of any accidents on your way to the clinic or while waiting their exam.
If your cat is not in a carrier, you will be required to purchase a cardboard carrier. Remember, we are checking in 50-plus other animals. Please do not take your cat or dog out of his or her carrier while waiting in the lobby.
Patient discharge is at 5:15 p.m. on the day of surgery.
For cats, your pet should not eat after midnight the night before surgery. If your dog is five pounds or more, please withhold any feeding after midnight the evening before surgery. Water is permitted.
We will spay female cats and dogs that are pregnant or in heat, but there is an additional $20-$30 charge. If your female pet is in heat or pregnant, please call the clinic and let the attendant know.
Please check that of your pet’s testicles have descended. There is an increased fee for neutering \”cryptorchid\” cats and dogs, in which one or both testicles have not descended. Please contact the clinic if your pet is under six months old and is cryptorchid. We may reschedule to allow time for the testicle(s) to descend.
©2023 Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic Indiana